Friday, May 1, 2009

Return to Nashville

As we have tickets for the Grand Ole Opry on Tuesday night, we have returned to the Nashville area. However we are on a different campground, this one is called the Cedars of Lebanon State Park, although they are actually Juniper trees (no I don't know the difference, they looked like cedar trees to me). It is set out in ,what they say, is the largest stand of Cedar trees n the USA. It is very peaceful and we have seen lots of birds.
Most memorable sight was the discovery of Fireflies as we sat round our campfire on Sunday evening. We could see the little flashing lights amongst the trees. This is the first time we have seen fireflies since we were in Westchester, Pennsylvania in August 1978. It was interesting to follow the aerial pathway of a firefly as it flashed on and off. I timed one at about 2.5 seconds per flash cycle, another one seemed to be on a 4 second cycle. This was on a different night, so other factors could be involved). Fascinating.
Yesterday, we drove into Lebanon town centre. It is built on the traditional town square format with one road in on each side of the square. Looking at the buildings, they all seemed to be Victorian, good old Americana shopfronts. In one corner an old log cabin has been placed by a natural spring, to remind people of the origins of the town back in 1802. Today, we roadtested A White Castle fast food joint. Bought their celebrated mini burger, it was not very nice. The meat looked quite miserable and the whole thing had a soggy texture, so it is an historically interesting place, but the food is lousy. I will write more about the history of the hamburge at a later date.
Overall, as with so many U.S. small towns, it is a Fascinating Place.

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